Get What To Do When Machines Do Everything How to Get Ahead in a World of AI Algorithms Bots and Big Data

[Get.Vnsi] What To Do When Machines Do Everything How to Get Ahead in a World of AI Algorithms Bots and Big Data

[Get.Vnsi] What To Do When Machines Do Everything How to Get Ahead in a World of AI Algorithms Bots and Big Data

[Get.Vnsi] What To Do When Machines Do Everything How to Get Ahead in a World of AI Algorithms Bots and Big Data

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[Get.Vnsi] What To Do When Machines Do Everything How to Get Ahead in a World of AI Algorithms Bots and Big Data

The essential playbook for the future of your business What To Do When Machines Do Everything is a guidebook to succeeding in the next generation of the digital economy. When systems running on Artificial Intelligence can drive our cars, diagnose medical patients, and manage our finances more effectively than humans it raises profound questions on the future of work and how companies compete. Illustrated with real-world cases, data, and insight, the authors provide clear strategic guidance and actionable steps to help you and your organization move ahead in a world where exponentially developing new technologies are changing how value is created. Written by a team of business and technology expert practitionerswho also authored Code Halos: How the Digital Lives of People, Things, and Organizations are Changing the Rules of Businessthis book provides a clear path to the future of your work. The first part of the book examines the once in a generation upheaval most every organization will soon face as systems of intelligence go mainstream. The authors argue that contrary to the doom and gloom that surrounds much of IT and business at the moment, we are in fact on the cusp of the biggest wave of opportunity creation since the Industrial Revolution. Next, the authors detail a clear-cut business model to help leaders take part in this coming boom; the AHEAD model outlines five strategic initiativesAutomate, Halos, Enhance, Abundance, and Discoverythat are central to competing in the next phase of global business by driving new levels of efficiency, customer intimacy and innovation. Business leaders today have two options: be swallowed up by the ongoing technological evolution, or ride the crest of the wave to new profits and better business. This book shows you how to avoid your own extinction event, and will help you; Understand the untold full extent of technology's impact on the way we work and live. Find out where we're headed, and how soon the future will arrive Leverage the new emerging paradigm into a sustainable business advantage Adopt a strategic model for winning in the new economy The digital world is already transforming how we work, live, and shop, how we are governed and entertained, and how we manage our money, health, security, and relationships. Don't let your businessor your careerget left behind. What To Do When Machines Do Everything is your strategic roadmap to a future full of possibility and success. Or peril. Shivon Zilis - Machine Intelligence Machine Intelligence in the Real World (this pieces was originally posted on Tech Crunch) Ive been laser-focused on machine intelligence in the past few years Techmeme Josh Constine / @joshconstine: Snap added just 3M users in the US the same as last quarter Slow growth is bad news in its core revenue market tcrnch/2r0K9TS The Turds Who Voted to Sell Out Your Online Privacy Get Last month Congress voted to repeal FCC rules that would prevent internet service providers from selling your personal web browsing and app usage data It was a Key Digital Trends for 2017 - SlideShare Key Digital Trends for 2017 1 Key Digital Trends for 2017 By Marshall Manson & James Whatley @MarshallManson / @Whatleydude OgilvyTrends2017 News RT RT delivers latest news and current events from around the world including special reports entertainment news and exclusive video Elon Musks Billion-Dollar Crusade to Stop the AI I Running Amok It was just a friendly little argument about the fate of humanity Demis Hassabis a leading creator of advanced artificial intelligence was Prep Cook: Waffle Iron Hash Browns Black Bean Taquitos Tofu scramble with waffle iron hash browns: I made my scramble with tofu but you can easily use beaten eggs instead Make sure to get your waffle iron nice and hot Alibaba's Jack Ma Issues Dire Warning That AI Could Steal Mas argued that AI could be a better CEO than a human because It remembers better than you it counts faster than you and it wont be angry with competitors AI With The Best online conference for developers AI With The Best Global Online Conference for developers Join AI experts for exclusive live coding sessions and 1-to-1 mentoring from the comfort of your home Lee Sedol defeats AlphaGo in masterful comeback Game 4 It appears to be able to do this even more accurately than the best human players With the help of this skill AlphaGo seems to be able to manage risk more precisely
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